Simple OniSplit GUI


How it works

As you know there's already Vago as Onisplit GUI but I wanted a tool that converts files in a more intuitive way.
I really like drag and drop workflows. If you too, maybe give this tool a chance?
Just throw a single file at it.
Throw a level folder to set plugin folder or to convert its content.
Plugins are meant for fast tests.
Run can only start automatically when you convert xml to oni.

Supported conversions

oni <=> xml

ONCC.oni + TRAM.oni or TRBS.oni + TRAM.oni -> dae

M3GM.oni -> dae

obj + texture -> M3GM.oni

tga or png or jpg or dds -> TXMP.oni

TXMP.oni -> tga + xml or tga or dds or png or jpg

SNDD.oni -> wav or aif

SUBT.oni <=> SUBT.txt

level*.dat -> oni or xml + dae + tga or oni + xml + dae + tga

film*.dat -> xml

folder "level*" -> raw + dat plugin

Change log

v0.4.6 // 21.34 31.10.2016
support for TXMB creation
added context menu for level0 plugin textbox ("Build plugin and run Oni")

v0.4.5 // 19:00 09.10.2016
support for -anim-merge
added context menus to access/restore plugin folders
menu item added: delete log
show log to user automatically when error occurred
- bungie dev artifacts (TRAC links) are intentionally not treated as errors as these would just confuse unexperienced users
- currently any error message starting with "Cannot find instance 'TRAMKONCOMthrow_rev'" qualifies error as bungie dev artifact
- going to improve this at a later time
bug prevention: empty log file now properly handled (xml root node is restored automatically)
simple update checker (compares app title and online xml value:
improved tooltips for "Repair character textures"
bug fixed: calling ConversionLog from menu item doesn't lock app until ConversionLog is closed
bug fixed: calling Settings from menu item doesn't lock app until Settings is closed
bug fixed: if plugin directory is ticked but has no dir, default plugin 0 or 1 is created on app start, tick event and button click
bug fixed: oni files in output direction are now copied to plugin *after* conversion executed if "DnD level dir. => plugin" was set

v0.4.4 // 22:15 19.09.2016
bug fixed: Output plugin directory
all conversions and errors of such are logged in ConversionLog.xml alongside the GUI
added menu button "Log"

v0.4.3.6 // 14:08 18.09.2016
added menu item "Open AE/GDF"
improve method to set plugin folders (DnD on textbox fields)
checkbox state of "output to plugin folder" is now saved in settings

v0.4.3.5 // 15:20 04.09.2016
added checkboxes: Output to plugin folder

v0.4.3.4 // 21:58 29.08.2016
added option for recursive XML export

v0.4.3.3 // 14:36 28.08.2016
added XML output for M3GM (helpful for debugging)
support OBJ+MTL / OBJ+IMG for combinded M3GM+TXMP conversion
bug fixed: M3GM -tex argument

v0.4.3.2 // 11:40 27.08.2016
moved top buttons to a new menu
standard output folder can be changed by user
added message: JPG, PNG and DDS are rejected for animated textures (TGAs only)
bug fixed: multiple files
EnvMap becomes also created if it is a non-oni-source

v0.4.3.1 // 18:57 24.08.2016
EnvMap usage changes RGB mode to RGBA

v0.4.3 // 17:27 24.08.2016
support for animted textures, DnD multiple TGA images into the drop field
clicking general textures options opens options for animated if form for animated options was closed

v0.4.2 // 13:52 20.08.2016
characters with non-native TRAMs are now exported with textures, post-conversion DAE patching in TemporaryData folder
checkbox states are now saved within the settings
tooltips for TXMP option "Large"
support for spaces in paths
support for recompiling GDF level folders, previously only non-GDF was possible)
added settings button

v0.4.1 // 21:48 16.08.2016
improved AE path recognition: "\" at the end of the path doesn't matter
plugin folder support "levelX*": content of level plugin folders can be batch processed ONI <=> XML
plugin folders can be tested instantly, Oni will start with the new dat/raw files

v0.4 // 18:14 06.08.2016
bug fixed: Program asks now for AE path if the AE registry key is missing or not valid
AE path is stored to GUI's "settings.xml" file and checked on startup to be still valid

multi-type analysis of drag and drop sources (e.g. if ONCC and TRAM are source files then dae export is predicted)

obligatory drag and drop workflow

basic (one file at a time) conversions implemented